Tuesday, October 4, 2011


Alright Ladies-

I am back at it again....the weather is cooling off and their are TONS of fun stuff to do now! So I started back up a craft/playgroup blog again. The craft part will be just for moms....a girls night out if will. It will be so much fun so check back to see what we will be doing each month. I am already starting to plan Novembers! Cant wait....CHRISTMAS crafts! But here is what we are going to be doing in October for play dates! Please send this link to others so we can have everyone that wants to join us be there! I pick all different days of the week, so that way if some days dont work for you, you can join us on other days! All I ask that is you leave a message on the blog or text me to let me know if you are coming. I don't want to go all by myself! lol If you need my cell number let me know!

October 12

Vertuccio Farms
Kids 4 and under are FREE...yup that's right FREE!! 4 and up are $7 but on their website you can print a coupon for a 1 off or bring in a non-perishable food item and get a 1 off! If you choose to you can also get a season pass that is good for Oct-Nov which is only $15.

Admission includes:
corn maze
pedal cars
hay maze
pumpkin patch
bounce house.....and TONS more!!
Its located at 4011 S. Power Rd
Mesa, AZ 85212
We will meet at 12:30 and stay for however long we like!

October 18

We will decorate Halloween Cookies at my house! YUMMY!!
Want to volunteer to bring frosting or sprinkles....let me know! We will meet at 11:30 and have sandwiches for the kids and a yummy salad for the moms!

October 27

Mother Natures Farm

This one sounds fun so I couldn't pass it up either. So if you only want one farm experience check out both websites and see which one sounds more fun for your kids! This one is $7 per kid...and I think parents are free. Not sure but I will look into that more. You can also get a coupon on their website to save some extra cash! We will meet out front at 11:45...odd time so I can pick my son up from preschool!

Admission Includes:
oz pumpkin
decorating pumpkin
air bounce
hay ride
straw bounce
feeding the animals
Its located at 1663 E. Baseline Rd
Gilbert, AZ 85233

October 22

Boo at the Zoo

If you have a season pass its free! If not you pay to get in and its free, but I have several free passes so contact me first and you can have them. If anyone has a season pass and can get others in for free and are willing to do that let me know so I can let others know! It starts at 9 and ends at 4. We will meet there at 930 on the bridge. You get to see animals get Halloween treats aka pumpkins and also they have a Halloween adventure at Harmony Farm! Check out their website if you have questions!

1 comment:

  1. so i TOTALLY forgot that my grandparents 60th wedding anniversary party is on sat the 22nd during the day. so i wont be able to go to the zoo! :( i am so bummed! so don't worry about saving those passes for me. but we should still go again sometime!
    had a great time at the farm today! thanks for inviting me!
